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New version of the UDS Enterprise VDI & vApp connection broker

The UDS Enterprise team has released a new stable version of the VDI and vApp connection broker. UDS Enterprise 2.2.1 is now available for download on our website.

As main improvement, this new release supports Azure, which allows to manage and deploy virtual desktops and applications hosted in the Microsoft cloud service. Support for the Azure AD Authenticator has also been added, so that administrators can directly validate users or user groups registered in Azure so that they can access their virtual desktops and vApp through UDS Enterprise.

vApp Linux with UDS Enterprise: user view

The UDS Enterprise VDI and vApp connection broker allows you to choose among several options when displaying Linux virtual applications to users. The administrators of the platform can decide if they want users to see each Linux vApp individually, as independent services, or if they prefer them to be shown all grouped, as a single service. The image below shows an example of each case:

Linux vApp with UDS Enterprise: recommendations

The UDS Enterprise team recommends a series of configurations when planning a deployment of Linux virtual applications using this VDI & vApp connection broker.

The first one refers to the persistence of the virtual desktops where the vApp will be deployed. It is advisable to use non-persistent desktops, so that when a user finishes using a virtual application, the desktop where the application is running is removed.

Public exams at UIB using VDI managed by UDS Enterprise

On Saturday December 1st 2018, the computer test of the public examinations for the auxiliary staff of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands was carried out. This exam was held at the campus of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), leveraging the virtual desktops platform with UDS Enterprise implemented in their computer classrooms.

Deploying Linux virtual applications with UDS Enterprise

In addition to Windows and Linux virtual desktops and Windows virtual applications, the UDS Enterprise connection broker allows you to deploy Linux vvApp. The creation of these vApp has no particular difficulty for the administrators of the platform, since is the same as for a VDI.


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