UDS Enterprise supports AWS EC2 for VDI cloud deployments

UDS Enterprise supports AWS EC2 for VDI cloud deployments

UDS Enterprise is compatible with the service Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) from Amazon Web Services (AWS). The team behind this software for desktop virtualization, virtual vApp, and remote access to devices has developed a connector that enables the interoperability of the two solutions. This new functionality allows you to manage and deploy Windows and Linux virtual desktops and applications hosted in the Amazon cloud from the UDS Enterprise control panel.

8 Reasons to use a virtual machine for automated testing

8 Reasons to use a virtual machine for automated testing

Automation testing, also known as test automation, is an evolving trend in the software industry. It helps to increase the effectiveness of software testing by enhancing execution speeds and coverage. It has replaced manual testing that takes a lot of time to execute.

Test automation does more than testing software. It analyzes the data entered into the system quickly and displays the results. It goes further to compare the expected and actual results before generating a detailed report. All this happens quicker than with manual testing, making it a preferred testing method.

A practice that’s also growing today is the use of virtual machines for automated testing. Quality Assurance (QA) teams use this method to reduce automatic testing costs. This article explains the reasons why your QA testing team should implement virtual machines for automation testing.

Read below to find out more.

People, ubiquity, and resilience drive IT trends for 2021

People, ubiquity, and resilience drive IT trends for 2021

The year that is about to end has marked a before and after in all sectors and professional activities. “The unprecedented socioeconomic challenges of 2020 demand the organizational plasticity to transform and compose the future,” said Brian Burke, research vice president at Gartner. Looking ahead to 2021, organizations must rethink their IT strategy, taking advantage of the lessons they have been able to learn from the new scenario caused by the pandemic. The consulting firm Gartner has announced what the technological trends will be for 2021, which undoubtedly offer many clues to companies so that they can optimize their IT strategies.

30% of workers will have digital, mobile and secure identity

30% of workers will have digital, mobile and secure identity

Coinciding with its 20 years of presence in Spain, the consulting firm IDC Research Spain advanced last week during its Futurescapes 2020 event its technological Predictions for this year. They confirmed that companies will opt for the investment in digitalization, which will go from the current 36% to 50% in 2023. They also highlighted that in 2023, 30% of the workers will have their own digital, private, mobile and secure identity.

Oracle introduces the world’s first autonomous OS

Oracle introduces the world’s first autonomous OS

Oracle announced this week during the event OpenWorld 2019 held in San Francisco the launch of the “first and only autonomous operating system in the world”, according to the words of Larry Ellison, president of the Council and Chief Technology Officer of Oracle. Ellison explained that this system “provisions, scales and configures itself, without human intervention and is capable of self-patching while it is running, in addition to allowing a literally instantaneous migration”.

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