Desktop virtualisation leads the VDI market
Today, the demand of virtualized workstations is spreading to a wider user base as more organisations take advantage of dynamic and customised virtual desktops.
Today, the demand of virtualized workstations is spreading to a wider user base as more organisations take advantage of dynamic and customised virtual desktops.
A fundamental part of system administration is configuring and managing users and groups. Part of this task involves monitoring the log in capabilities of all system entities.
As the wise “Tao Te Ching” said: “The Master does nothing, yet he leaves nothing undone. The ordinary man is always doing things, yet many more are left to be done.”. The whole secret or efficiency resides in time management. Since we can’t turn into supernatural beings or warp spacetime as we please, we have to make the most of our time, which is why time management is so important.
The function Remote Desktop or also known as VNC (Virtual Network Computing) is a function that allows us to handle any device remotely, independently from who is handling it, be it the user or administrator.
Microsoft Windows Subsystem for Linux is evolving into a credible alternative to running Linux inside Windows on VMs. A massive set of changes to the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) was rolled into Windows Insider build 15002, which, according to, started shipping to Windows 10 users on January 9, 2017.