What is new with Docker for AWS public Beta

What is new with Docker for AWS public Beta

Yesterday, Docker announced that Docker for AWS is graduating to public beta. Docker for AWS is a great way for ops to setup and maintain secure and scalable Docker deployments on AWS. With Docker for AWS, IT ops teams can deploy a standard Docker platform, integrate deeply with underlying infrastructure to ensure Docker takes advantage of the host environment’s native capabilities and exposes a familiar interface to administrators, deploy the platform to all the places where you want to run Dockerized vApp and make sure the latest and greatest Docker versions are available for the hardware, OSs, and infrastructure you love.

UDS Enterprise & OpenNebula VDI: Advantages

UDS Enterprise & OpenNebula VDI: Advantages

The VDI UDS Enterprise 2.0 connection broker supports OpenNebula as a hypervisor for accessing and managing Windows and Linux virtual desktops. In fact, our software has received the OpenNebula Ready certification, which guarantees the perfect integration of the two solutions and the correct operation of a joint infrastructure.

Among other advantages, UDS Enterprise gives OpenNebula unlimited flexibility, adds compatibility with practically any hypervisor, authenticator and connection protocol, and offers the possibility of using many of these components simultaneously.

OpenStack & Open Source configuration management tools

OpenStack & Open Source configuration management tools

To manage an OpenStack cloud infrastructure, you need to manage the configuration of the individual cloud services and the orchestration between them. There are some Open Source tools that can help you with these tasks, and there are many ways to evaluate them. Some considerations include the language used or perhaps availability of a UI.

Open Source automation tools have modules to manage OpenStack and free up time for other tasks. Puppet is used in Red Hat OpenStack Platform Director, Chef is used by SUSE, Ansible is used by HPE Helion and Juju has its own configuration engine and collection of Charms to deploy and manage OpenStack.

Isolating systems with Linux Namespaces

Isolating systems with Linux Namespaces

If you’ve used tools like Docker, you already know that these tools are capable of isolating processes in small “containers”. Running processes in Docker containers is like running them in virtual machines, only these containers are significantly lighter than virtual machines.

With the introduction of Linux namespaces, it became possible to have multiple “nested” process trees. Each process tree can have an entirely isolated set of processes. This can ensure that processes belonging to one process tree cannot inspect or kill – in fact cannot even know of the existence of – processes in other sibling or parent process trees. Every time a computer with Linux boots up, it starts with just one process, with process identifier (PID) 1. This process is the root of the process tree, and it initiates the rest of the system by performing the appropriate maintenance work and starting the correct daemons/services.

Datacenter transformation, RHEL &VDI

Datacenter transformation, RHEL &VDI

The event organized by our partner MicroCAD Systems on the Transformation of the Datacenter where they talked about the advantages of UDS Enterprise and Nutanix Acropolis as a VDI joint solution, the new features introduced in the new version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and how our connection broker meets the current needs of the workplace have been the most popular articles in our blog during the las two weeks.

Find below the links to the posts on these topics so that you can keep up to date with the most interesting news on virtualization and Open Source according to our readers:

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