Mozilla supports Open Source projects with $300.000

Mozilla supports Open Source projects with $300.000

The Mozilla Foundation has granted over $300.000 to foster the development of Open Source project during the third quarter 2016. This initiative is part of Mozilla Open Source Support (MOSS) program, designed to help developers in their projects related to Mozilla.

This time, 100.000 dollars were awarded to Redash, a tool to develop data visualizations that help organizations to make better decissions. Mozilla awarded $50.000 Review Board, a software to review web-based source code. These two softwares are used by Mozilla nowadays.

Linux 4.8 improves support for mobile devices

Linux 4.8 improves support for mobile devices

Linus Torvalds announced the availability of a new Linux version, that includes interesting news for current technologies. It adds, for example, a new driver for ARM Mali graphics for mobile devices, support for Raspberry Pi 3 SoC and for Microsoft‘s Surface 3 touch technology.

Linux 4.8 supports AMDGPU OverDrive, so AMD free drivers for GNU/Linux now support overclocking, although only graphics supported by AMDGPU are initially supported.

UDS Enterprise 2.0, server OS & OpenNebula VDI

UDS Enterprise 2.0, server OS & OpenNebula VDI

The release of a new version of our software, the possibility to deploy server operating systems with UDS Enterprise and the alliance between OpenNebula and VirtualCable to deliver a next generation VDI solution have been the most read topics in our blog during the last two weeks.

If you’d like to keep up to date with the most outstanding information on virtualization and Open Source according to UDS Enterprise community, find below the links to the posts on these topics:

All set for LinuxCon and ContainerCon Europe

All set for LinuxCon and ContainerCon Europe

Next week Berlín will host two of the most important Linux events in Europe: LinuxCon and ContainerCon. The first one gathers experts from all over the world that mantain, develop and lead the most important projects in the Linux community. And the second one, which runs concurrent, is the perfect scenario to share specific technical knowledge on cloud computing and Linux containers.

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