Best VDI solution, app virtualization & firewalls

The choice of UDS Enterprise as best VDI tech and pricing proposal by a commitee comprised of experts from more than 20 Spanish universities, the video showing how application virtualization with UDS Enterprise works and a list of Open Source firewalls for SMBs have been the most read posts in our blog during the last weeks.

Find below the links to the most interesting news according to our followers just in case you dind’t have the chance to read them yet:

5 Open Source firewall for SMBs

5 Open Source firewall for SMBs

All companies must secure their networks with strong security systems, and small and medium-sized enterprises are no exception. But security is not incompatible with cost savings. Currently there are Open Source firewall which can suit SMBs‘ needs:

Endian Firewall. This software is a Linux distro optimized for security works. It provides firewall, intrusion prevention and detection, anti-virus, anti-spam, VPN and secure remote access, and high availability. There’s a free edition and a commercial version with advanced features and add-ons support.

VDI with UDS and vSphere, Certified Partners & Kali Linux

VDI with UDS and vSphere, Certified Partners & Kali Linux

Our blog is getting more and more visits every day, many users interested in virtualization and Open Source read our posts to be up to date with these topics and with the news related to our sofware UDS Enterprise and our company.

During last weeks, our Trending Topics have been the deployment of virtual desktops with UDS Enterprise and VMware vSphere, our new Certified Partners Program and Kali Linux rolling edition released.

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