Task scheduling in UDS Enterprise
UDS Enterprise incorporates a system of access through calendars, they allow to enable or restrict the access of users to services such as virtual desktops and virtual applications by time and date.
UDS Enterprise incorporates a system of access through calendars, they allow to enable or restrict the access of users to services such as virtual desktops and virtual applications by time and date.
UDS Enterprise incorporates HTML5, among others, as transport and access protocol to both Linux and Windows virtual desktops.
UDS Enterprise 2.0 supports OpenStack as a hypervisor for access and management of virtual desktops, adding a set of advantages and flexibility in terms of transport protocols, authenticators, etc …
The ease of integration, installation, use and access to virtual desktops are other of the benefits that OpenStack incorporates with UDS Enterprise.
The UDS Enterprise 2.0 VDI connection broker supports OpenNebula as a hypervisor, among others, for accessing and managing Windows and Linux virtual desktops. Among other advantages, UDS Enterprise gives OpenNebula unlimited flexibility by adding support for any virtual hypervisor, authenticator, and connection protocol, and offering the ability to use multiple of these components simultaneously.
Our developers are already working on a new version of our software. One of the most important new features to come with UDS Enterprise 2.1 is the inclusion of two new connection protocols: PCoIP and X2Go.