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Deploy VDI on ESXi-Arm with UDS Enterprise

The software for desktop, application virtualization and remote access to physical devices UDS Enterprise supports ESXi-Arm Fling. The compatibility of this connection broker with the new hypervisor provides greater freedom to administrators of VDI platforms with UDS Enterprise. This broadens the number of options when deploying Windows and Linux virtual desktops on 64-bit ARM architectures, offering the possibility of using VMware technology.

Solve the challenges of hybrid Education with Azure and UDS

Schools, high-schools, universities, academies… the entire Education sector is immersed in a stage of innovation that necessarily implies adapting hybrid models, face-to-face and digital, which allow keeping on learning regardless of the place where both students and teachers are.

Virtual Cable and Microsoft have organized a webinar for next Wednesday, October 14 to reveal the keys and best practices when it comes to tackling the complexity posed by these new scenarios.

UDS Enterprise 3.0 Release Candidate available

UDS Enterprise 3.0 Release Candidate is now available exclusively for all our subscribers. The VDI broker team has made the new version of the software available to all its clients, so that they are the first to try the wide range of possibilities it offers in terms of administration, management and user experience.

UDS Enterprise in the new VMware Marketplace

VMware has merged its two marketplaces into a single platform called VMware Marketplace. Until now, the solutions supported and verified by this manufacturer could be published, depending on their characteristics, in the VMware Solution Exchange or/and in the VMware Cloud Marketplace.

Thanks to its versatility, UDS Enterprise was present in both catalogs. Now, the connection broker for Windows and Linux desktop and application virtualization is included in the new VMware ecosystem.


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