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Thin Clients compatible with UDS Enterprise

In addition to PCs, laptops, smartphones or tablets, the UDS Enterprise VDI connection broker supports Thin Clients as connection clients, thus optimizing the costs of a VDI infrastructure, as it is usually a cheaper option.

Webinar: What’s new in UDS Enterprise

The UDS Enterprise team organized a webinar last week to announce the latest UDS Enterprise news and some of the new features that will be added to the next release, which will be available during Q1 2018 and will incorporate, among other things, Linux application virtualization and access to virtual applications via HTML5.

Remote PC with UDS Enterprise: Demo

Remote PC is currently in the testing stage. Ramón Gómez Labrador, from the University of Sevilla, presented a complete demo of the project in the 44th edition of the RedIRIS Working Groups that was held at the end of last November at the Technical University of Madrid.

Setting up VDI templates with UDS Enterprise

The VDI connection broker UDS Enterprise allows the automatic deployment of template-based virtual desktops. This feature guarantees an optimal, simple and efficient centralized management of virtual desktops, since configurations, modifications and updates only have to be performed on said base template. When it is rebooted, the changes are automatically executed on all virtual desktops based on that template.


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