DBigCloud analyzes UDS Enterprise

by | May 22, 2015

DBigCloud blog, which focuses in virtualization, cloud computing, Big Data, operating systems and data bases analyzes this week the VDI solution UDS Enterprise in one of the articles they published.

The author of this post, system administrator and vExpert, outlines the functionalities of this connection broker for Windows and Linux and its support of the main hypervisors (VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix XenServer, Red Hat KVM, oVirt KVM) authenticators (Active Directory, LDAP, OpenLDAP, eDirectory, SAML, CAS) and connection protocols in the market (RDP, RGS, XRDP, NX, Spice).

Moreover, he shows and explains the software administration dashboard. You can read the article and see screenshots od the system here: UDS Enterprise - more than a VDI solution



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