Universities worldwide are starting the academic year with UDS Education

by | Sep 13, 2023

Only in Spain, Virtual Cable's VDI solution makes the learning of more than 500,000 students more flexible and allows professionals in educational centers to work remotely.
Estudiantes universitarios aprenden con UDS Education de Virtual Cable

UDS Education: digital transformation in universities

Desktop and application virtualization play a crucial role in returning to classes, whether they are held in person, online, or in a hybrid format. The trend toward virtualization in education is evident, as demonstrated by the success of Virtual Cable’s UDS Education solution.

The user experience offered by digital workplace solutions like UDS Education has become invaluable for educational institutions worldwide, providing top performance and security regardless of the connection location or device used.

Virtual Cable has a strong presence in the educational sector , with over 50% of Spanish universities relying on UDS Education. Some of these well-known clients include UPM, UCM, UAM, Carlos III, University of Salamanca, University of Seville, University of Zaragoza, University of Murcia, University of Malaga, University of Cadiz, University of Cantabria, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Polytechnic University of Valencia, UPNA, La Salle, and ESIC. Important international universities have also been clients of Virtual Cable for years, such as the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the University of Modena, and the Catholic University of Louvain.

The choice of VDI in higher education

In terms of usage preferences, Virtual Cable has observed that over 30% of its clients in the educational sector have full confidence in and solely rely on desktop virtualization (VDI), while around 20% combine VDI, vApp, and remote access to physical devices. Another 20% opt for VDI and vApp together, and a similar percentage chooses remote access as the only option. The exclusive use of application virtualization is the least common alternative. Another 20% opt for VDI and vApp together, and a similar percentage chooses remote access as the only option. The exclusive use of application virtualization is the least common alternative. The exclusive use of application virtualization is the least common alternative.

Regarding users of these unrestricted access services to IT tools, in 76% of cases, the university involves the entire educational community, including students, teachers, researchers, and administrative staff. With over ten years in the market, UDS Education has proven to be a versatile and essential solution for both remote work and online learning.

Virtual Cable’s educational clients highlight the ease of use of UDS Education, which does not require prior learning to enjoy constant access to educational center equipment and licensed software. They also comment that the platform enhances the learning experience through optimized performance for each user profile. Additionally, UDS Education addresses critical concerns such as cybersecurity with measures like multi-factor authentication (MFA), Zero Trust configurations, and data encryption. It also contributes to sustainability and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals by reducing the carbon footprint and providing equal education opportunities. Among the most highly valued features are demand peak management through cloud overflows, customization, integration with Moodle, compatibility with hyper-converged systems, and high availability to ensure uninterrupted service.

Virtual Cable, leading the transformation of education with UDS Education

With tools like UDS Education from Virtual Cable, educational institutions are better prepared than ever to offer quality education and adapt to the needs of their users in any environment. And not only in Spain, but Virtual Cable is also expanding its presence in Portugal, China, and France this academic year, and is already consolidated in other countries.



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