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UDS Enterprise VDI for healthcare at IDC FutureScape 2021

The healthcare industry is one of the most seriously affected by the pandemic. In this sector, which has been overwhelmed by the exponential increase in patients, business continuity is imperative to assist everyone with efficiency and agility. Aware of the importance of VDI technology to help them solve IT challenges, IDC Research Spain wanted to have the testimony of this sector in their event IDC Predictions FutureScape 2021. To do this, they invited one of our clients, Los Arcos del Mar Menor University General Hospital (HULAMM), to participate in their round table on the future of Cloud.

UMU enables remote access to Economics computers with UDS

The University of Murcia has expanded its Virtual Desktops (EVA) service with UDS Enterprise. Following its aspiration to innovate and offer the best possible benefits to users, the Area of Information Technology and Applied Communications (ATICA) has begun to provide remote access to computers located on campus. The pilot experience has started in the Faculty of Economics and Business. It will expand to the rest of the schools gradually.


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