“UDS Enterprise is one of the best VDI solutions”

by | Sep 27, 2019

In order to implement a virtual desktop solution (VDI) at the Faculty of Informatics of the University of the Basque Country at San Sebastian/Donostia to provide students, teachers or any other authorized person, a space of to store their documents, applications and any other service that they need, a thorough study was carried out. The solution provided by the Spanish company Virtualcable, UDS Enterprise, proved to be one of the best solutions to implement, since it meets all our requirements and expectations.

This is due, in large part, to the following:

  1. It is a scalable solution. That is, any change made in the future does not imply remaking the entire infrastructure with all that that entails.

  2. This VDI solution is commercialized through a subscription model, without licensing. In addition, there are interesting benefits for organizations belonging to the Education sector.

  3. The solution has comprehensive monitoring system, to know at all times what is being carried out on the platform. The company provides an efficient professional support and software updates to get the latest product benefits.

  4. VirtualCable gives any user the opportunity to test their software for free .

Another incentive to choose this solution is its success in lots of Spanish universities. Among them, we could highlight the University of Seville, the University of Murcia or the Autonomous University of Madrid.

Each of them highlights how this VDI solution can be easily adapted to the university’s own infrastructure. It allows to choose a wide range of hypervisors, authenticators or connection protocols, your favorite operating system and you can fully customize the user interface . All this involves great advantages, such as cost savings in the purchase of new devices, greater flexibility and higher security.

Educational organizations around the world, such as Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools in New York or the Université Catholique de Louvain also rely on UDS Enterprise for their virtual desktops and applications deployments.

In short, it is a software that has a wide variety of functionalities and can be adapted to different scenarios. It is a great virtual desktop solution (VDI).

After conducting a theoretical technical analysis of the solution, I have now downloaded UDS Free Edition and I will proceed to test all its technical features and functionalities in my own laboratory.

Article written by Jonathan Fernández Ramos, author of the Final Degree Project Delopying a virtual desktop solution with OpenStack.



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