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Remote access with UDS Enterprise: Configuration

One of the many capabilities of UDS Enterprise is to provide a remote working or distance learning system fully adapted to the needs of each organization. It is possible to enable connection to Windows and Linux virtual desktops and applications, and also remote access to devices, either virtual or physical. In this post, we are going to focus on this last option, explaining its configuration possibilities.

How to customize your VDI platform with UDS Enterprise 3.0

One of the many aspects that have been improved in the latest release of UDS Enterprise is how the customization of the tool is carried out. Now further modifications can be made to the login portal and the user services page. Also, it is much easier to introduce these changes so that the platform’s appearance is aligned with the corporate image or to adapt it to the taste of each client. In this post, we are going to focus on customizing the login window.

To carry out the customization, you just have to access the software administration dashboard and in the Tools section click on Configuration . In UDS Enterprise 3.0 a new window displays under the name Custom with several fields to insert the changes, as you can see in the following image:

Demo: Remote working with UDS Enterprise and Raspberry Pi

In our post on yesterday we detailed the main lines of the remote working project of the Badajoz Provincial Council with Raspberry Pi and UDS Enterprise. As you may know, they were announced during the TECNIRIS video session Experiences with Raspberry Pi in ICT services organized by RedIRIS last week. Today we share a summary of the interesting demo carried out by the Head of the Badajoz Provincial Council’s IT Systems, Eladio Maqueda. He showed how users access the applications or desktops managed and deployed by UDS Enterprise using low-cost devices with great agility.


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