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UDS supports Wake on LAN to turn on computers remotely
UDS Enterprise is already capable of starting physical devices remotely automatically, regardless their operating system. The popular connection broker integrates a new development that allows sending Wake on LAN (WoL) to the computers. When a user requests access to a machine, the system sends the order. It executes the appropriate processes to start it without human intervention or the need for third-party software.
VDI for healthcare with UDS reaches the final of the ASLAN Awards
Two initiatives with UDS Enterprise are finalists of the ASLAN Awards for Digital Transformation in Public Administrations. To the University of Cantabria’s UNICAN Labs project adds that of Los Arcos del Mar Menor General University Hospital. The latter is up for the award in the IT infrastructure virtualization category.
UNICAN Labs with UDS Enterprise, a finalist for the ASLAN Awards
The University of Cantabria’s project that provides remote access to campus computers thanks to UDS Enterprise technology has reached the final of XIII ASLAN Awards for Digital Transformation in Public Administrations .
UDS Enterprise supports OpenNebula 6.0 “Mutara” for VDI
The VDI connection broker UDS Enterprise supports OpenNebula 6 “Mutara”. The technical team of the software for desktop, application virtualization, and remote access has carried out all the appropriate tests in their laboratory to confirm the compatibility of both solutions.
The union of UDS Enterprise 3.0 with OpenNebula 6 provides the user community with a secure, fast desktop virtualization solution, very easy to use and manage. It is the only one whose interoperability is certified, since there is no other VDI broker that has obtained the OpenNebula Ready distinction.
Remote access with UDS Enterprise: Control user sessions
In the article we published earlier this week on the configuration possibilities for remote access to physical and virtual devices with UDS Enterprise , we advanced a new functionality introduced in the latest version of the software: The control of user sessions.
This option allows you to program the system so that when a user logs off, the computer he has been using remotely is automatically released. In this way, it will become immediately available so that another person can access it through his device.
Remote access with UDS Enterprise: Configuration
One of the many capabilities of UDS Enterprise is to provide a remote working or distance learning system fully adapted to the needs of each organization. It is possible to enable connection to Windows and Linux virtual desktops and applications, and also remote access to devices, either virtual or physical. In this post, we are going to focus on this last option, explaining its configuration possibilities.
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