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Telecommuting with UDS: Remote access to computers

Thousands of organizations worldwide face the challenge of implementing a remote working system urgently to ensure the continuity of their business. The UDS Enterprise connection broker for desktop and application virtualization allows to establish an efficient and secure telecommuting system quickly and easily. With this VDI broker, the IT department can decide the way that best suits their needs to allow work from home: enable access to Windows and Linux virtual desktops and applications or to physical devices located in offices. In both cases, employees can use any device to connect.

Secure e-Learning and telecommuting for Education with VDI

Since the very beginning of its professional activity, VirtualCable has had a close relationship with the educational sector in general and with the Spanish universities in particular. We have worked closely with many of them making custom developments to facilitate the adoption of desktop and application virtualization technology.

We have also collaborated on joint projects to make available to the entire educational community functionalities that did not exist to date (such as the access to VDI and vApp through Moodle), which simplify IT work and help teachers and students improve their academic experience.

Webinar: graphics-intensive VDI for your remote workforce

Organizations around the world are facing the challenge of implementing a remote working system that allows their employees to carry out their tasks efficiently from home. The current health situation requires agile decision making so that the productivity of companies is not affected. In this scenario, choosing the most appropriate technology is essential to ensure security and business continuity. Desktop and application virtualization is a key technology to provide a fast and efficient solution.

In addition to the technological solution itself, it is crucial to take into account the requirements of each job. Professionals in the audiovisual sector, engineers, designers, photographers… and in short any worker using graphics-intensive applications needs specific software to keep on working from home seamlessly.

Telecommuting and IT security in the days of Covid-19

The current health crisis, due to the expansion of Covid-19, is responsible for the rise of remote work. The Governments of the affected territories recommend it, and even impose it, and companies are quick to seek a fast solution so that their staff can continue to carry out their work from home.

In a matter of days, teleworking has gone from being a minority practice to becoming the only formula for employees that due to the characteristics of their job can adopt it and keep on working.

Special offer for new customers: UDS Competitive Upgrade

The UDS Enterprise team announces the launch of a new subscription mode for the connection broker. It has been designed to help those organizations that already have a VDI solution from another manufacturer and want to migrate to a new, more efficient and cost-effective technology: UDS Enterprise.


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