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Webinar: Easy, fast, and secure access to corporate resources

New trends and needs have increased the complexity of the IT environments of all organizations. Those companies that seek to achieve greater efficiency and productivity must promote the mobility of their employees. This increased flexibility translates into a new workload for the IT professionals, who now have to manage a large number of different physical and virtual devices.

UDS Enterprise VDI supports the latest version of Moodle

UDS Enterprise 3.0 is compatible with Moodle 3.11. The stable version of the connection broker makes it possible to make available to Moodle users access to virtual desktops, virtual applications and remote devices. The commitment of the UDS Enterprise team with the education sector is evident once again, with the announcement of the interoperability of a joint solution formed by UDS Enterprise 3.0 and the latest release of Moodle.


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